Sunday 6 July 2008

The 5k test, a baby version of twenty20 on Everest

Just did the London 5k run today with 7 of the other Everest lads. It was comically tiny, as there was a 10k run after. I can understamd why as essentially the only other people doing it with overweight women and old men, so by definition my Granny could have done it. Although, doing it with pads on was seriously tiring and tedious. Not quite as tedious as where we put our bags before hand. No one quite knew what to do including the stewards (aka men in flourescent green jackets), I think anyone in a flourescent green jacket is the font of knowledge, which is stupid really as I saw in JJB Sport you can purchase 3 for £10. So to be honest I should start to reassess my confidence in these people as for all I know it's just a person who shops at JJB, who are unlikely to even know what a font of knowledge is- they'd think it was some new variation on Times New Roman.

We emailed Robert Van Winkle's agent but he has not got in contact with us yet, but my fingers are still crossed because let's be honest Vanilla Ice needs the publicity and we need him because he can set a world record for singing 'Go Ninja' at high altitude- It's a lesser known hit of his that featured in Ninja Turtles 2.

right I'm off to buy a flourescent jacket...

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