Monday 22 September 2008

it's been a long time...and it's still a long time till cricket ko

I ain't written one of these blog things in tiiiiime bruv- So I thought I better write some saucy bits for the millions of readers out there...Hi mom (yea I spelt it the American way, I'm a fricking livewire now deal with it).

So as I spent all of August in Edinburgh doing stand up comedy and drinking to excess cos I'm such a bloody lad, I felt a little bit out of the Everest Loop. However after a meeting update from Mr Kirt Wright I'm not back in the loop and bloody loving it.

Me, Paulo Poland (that's not her surname but she's Polish so that is what she is now called) and Charlie Campbell have secure the Comedy store for a comedy night happening in March. I'm excited but I just need to secure the services of a couple of big name comedians- Matt Lucas/Ross Noble/Bernard Manning, if you're out there and keen to help (even if it's from beyond the grave and you're a massive racist) we could use you.

This next bit is funny:

At the meeting on Sunday this has nothing to do with Everest but really amused me and BJ. The barmen whilst serving me and him the 2 bottles of Sol I requested said this: 'Sunday afternoon...the worst shift for a barmen' (just for the record I hadn't even spoken to him let alone asked what his worst shift was), I then didn't say anything and he proceeded to say, 'I was out drinking till four last night-bloody hangover!' if you're the barmen from The Establishment and you're now reading this I just want to say I DON'T CARE-EVEN IF YOU WERE DOWNING PINTS OFF WHITNEY HOUSTON'S BREASTS- I DIDN'T ASK AND DRINKING BOOZE IS NOT IMPRESSIVE TO STRANGERS-GROW UP!!!!

speak soon

Laterz Bruvs and Cuz


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